AGB Oil Calc Help

Info and FAQ
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Software: AGB Oil Calc
Author:     Alexey Bogdanov
Version:   1.0.3, released on 20.10.2015

Distribution conditions: this software application available free of charge (Freeware), without any advertisement built-in  modules, for both commercial and non commercial usage.

Purpose: developed for deterministic oil reserves / resources volumetric computation.

Algorithms: two standard oil volumetric algorithms available -
 #1 Standard deterministic volumetric method used in Russia / exUSSR
 #2 International deterministic volumetric method using Bo - oil formation volume factor at initial conditions.

Please note, that author assures that software and algorithms were tested before releasing the software, but still he can not be responsible for any possible losses arise from either usage of this software or usage of results computed by this application.

In case of any issues, error in application or suggestion for future development - please contact author using technical support e-mail: <> Please do not forget to specify name and version of software application you are using and parameters of you device where application installed.

Please visit author's web site: to check for additional information, future development plans or to support future application development.

Application interface is bilingual and available in Russian and English. To switch between languages - just click on flag image located in the left bottom corner of main application window.

Basic rules on volumetric deterministic computations using this application:

1. Correctly select units for all computation parameters.
2. Select computation algorithm using menu "Algorithm" option: #1 - Russian / exUSSR volumetric computation algorithm, #2 International volumetric computation algorithm
3. Select required unit for the results of computation.
4. Press <Compute> button for actual computation process.
5. Software would check acceptability of input parameters and if no error found would compute result. If any obvious errors found - then user would have to recheck and correct input values - without this step computation can not continue.

Please note, that depends on computation result units and used algorithm few input fields might be invisible. Selecting different units or by using "Reset" option application would switch all input fields back to visible state. Also please note that there is no on the fly conversion of input fields values - and it is very important to select proper units for input fields. You could use AGB Units Conversion application (under development, not yet released) or third party software for the conversion of input values between units if they are not available in application.

Starting from version 1.0.3, based on users requests, new functionality implemented in AGB Oil Calc software: ability to save current selected parameters as default one. Parameters would be saved in .ini file in the same directory where main application located. And if such settings file exist - AGB Oil Calc would use settings from that file as default instead of general default application parameters. To save your settings as default please use: Parameters -> Settings -> Save menu option. If at any later stage you would have to delete your default settings please use following menu option: Parameters ->
Settings -> Delete. If you just need to adjust existing settings file - just use "Save" option once again.

User could save following parameters: default user interface language, default application computation algorithm, default units used for each computation parameter.

Please note that actual parameter values would not be saved !!!

To reset application to default input values and units one could use menu option - "Reset"
Computation parameters:

[F] - computation area. Important to select correct units for input value - at present time following units supported: m² (default), th. m², km2, ft², mile², acre and hectare.

[H eff. o] - effective layer thickness. Important to select correct units for input value - at present time following units supported: m (default), cm, mm, km, ft, yard and mile.

[Phie] - effective porosity coefficient. It is possible to specify value either in PU (values between 0 and 1) or in '%' (values between 0% and 100%)

[So] - oil saturation coefficient. It is possible to specify value either in PU (values between 0 and 1) or in '%' (values between 0% and 100%)

[Θ] - unit less conversion coefficient defining ratio between oil volume at the surface vs oil volume at reservoir conditions (used in Russian / exUSSR Algorithm #1)

[Boi] - formation volume factor for oil at initial conditions used in international deterministic oil volumetric algorithm #2, available units: reservoir bbl/stb

[Rec] - oil recovery factor. It is possible to specify value either in PU (values between 0 and 1) or in '%' (values between 0% and 100%). If default value of 0.0 used - software would not compute recoverable reserves / resources.

[GOR] - gas / oil ratio.  Important to select correct units for input value - at present time following units supported: m³/t (default) and scf/stb. If default value of 0.0 used - software would not compute recoverable reserves / resources of gas dissolved in oil.

[POS] - probability of success factor coefficient.  Value should be bigger then zero and lower or equal to one. POS = 1.0 means that there is no risk. The lower value you specify - the higher corresponding risk would be. If default value of 0.0 used - software would not compute risked recoverable reserves / resources.

[ρ(o)] - oil density, available units are: g/cm3, kg/m3 and t/m3 (in Russia usual oil density range between 0.77 and 0.97 g/cm³). Software would ask user to specify density if it is required for selected algorithm and computation parameters.

<Compute> - this button would initiate actual volumetric computation. Software checks input values. If any issues with input values noted then error message presented to user. Incorrect values have to be replaced. If no issues noted - application performs computation.

{Result unit} - specify required units for the computation: th. t., MBbls, th. m³, th. ft³

Info and FAQ:
1. Current version of application does not support input volume value instead of area and thickness.
   But if you got input volume value (obtained for example from geological modeling software package) - it is still possible to use it - by correctly specifying input units for area and thickness, for example if input volume is 750000 m³, then we could select area units as 'm²' and thickness units as 'm' and use value 750000 for area and 1 for thickness.

2. For reference - main range for oil density produced in Russia are within 0.77 to 0.97 g/cm³

3. Oil conversion coefficient used in computation algorithm for Russia / exUSSR - unit less value, usually less then 1.0, taking into account reduction of oil volume at surface conditions. Oil conversion coefficient = 1/b, where b is volume factor of reservoir oil.

4. In case of international computation algorithm usage, required formation volume factor for oil at initial conditions, Bo [reservoir bbl/stb], could be approximated using following formula: Bo = 1.05 + (N * 0.05), where N = GOR[ft³/bbl] / 100. GOR - Gas Oil Ratio coefficient [ft³/bbl]

Thanks to:

<warwound> - for "AndroidResources" and "Resources" libraries
<klaus>    - for help files viewer example: "HelpScrollView"
<maXim> - for libraries db2000.B4A.INI and db2000.B4J.INI

This application available free of charge and does not contain any advertisement modules built in.
If you find this application useful please support future development by offering small donation - one could do so using "Donation" links on developers web site - PayPal, Yandex.Money, major bank cards supported for that purpose.

Another way to help this project is to share the information on this and other applications developed by Alexey Bogdanov ( using major social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, e.t.c

Thank you beforehand and good luck with your volumetric computations !

Please note that AGB Oil Calc is multiplatform application available for Android, Windows, Linux, MacOS* - please check application web site for additional information.

* - MacOS version is under development.